Interface ServerDiscoveryApi

  • @Path("/.well-known/matrix/server")
    public interface ServerDiscoveryApi
    Server discovery.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void serverDiscovery​( uriInfo, httpHeaders, asyncResponse)
      Gets information about the delegated server for server-server communication between Matrix homeservers.
    • Method Detail

      • serverDiscovery

        void serverDiscovery​(@Context
        Gets information about the delegated server for server-server communication between Matrix homeservers. Servers should follow 30x redirects, carefully avoiding redirect loops, and use normal X.509 certificate validation.
        Return: ServerDiscoveryResponse

        Status code 200: The delegated server information. The Content-Type for this response SHOULD be application/json, however servers parsing the response should assume that the body is JSON regardless of type. Failures parsing the JSON or invalid data provided in the resulting parsed JSON must result in server discovery failure (no attempts should be made to continue finding an IP address/port number to connect to).

        uriInfo - Request Information.
        httpHeaders - Http headers.
        asyncResponse - Asynchronous response.