Class RoomPowerLevelsContent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RoomPowerLevelsContent
    extends Object
    implements EventContent
    This event specifies the minimum level a user must have in order to perform a certain action. It also specifies the levels of each user in the room.

    If a user_id is in the users list, then that user_id has the associated power level. Otherwise they have the default level users_default. If users_default is not supplied, it is assumed to be 0. If the room contains no event, the room's creator has a power level of 100, and all other users have a power level of 0.

    The level required to send a certain event is governed by events, state_default and events_default. If an event type is specified in events, then the user must have at least the level specified in order to send that event. If the event type is not supplied, it defaults to events_default for Message Events and state_default for State Events.

    If there is no state_default in the event, the state_default is 50. If there is no events_default in the event, the events_default is 0. If the room contains no event, both the state_default and events_default are 0.

    The power level required to invite a user to the room, kick a user from the room, ban a user from the room, or redact an event, is defined by invite, kick, ban, and redact, respectively. Each of these levels defaults to 50 if they are not specified in the event, or if the room contains no event.

    • Field Detail


        public static final byte DEFAULT_HIGH_LEVEL
        Default max level if unspecified.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte DEFAULT_MEDIUM_LEVEL
        Default medium level if unspecified.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte DEFAULT_LOW_LEVEL
        Default lowest level if unspecified.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ban

        private Byte ban
        The level required to ban a user. Defaults to 50 if unspecified.
      • events

        private Map<String,​Byte> events
        The level required to send specific event types. This is a mapping from event type to power level required.
      • eventsDefault

        private Byte eventsDefault
        The default level required to send message events. Can be overridden by the events key. Defaults to 0 if unspecified.
      • invite

        private Byte invite
        The level required to invite a user. Defaults to 50 if unspecified.
      • kick

        private Byte kick
        The level required to kick a user. Defaults to 50 if unspecified.
      • redact

        private Byte redact
        The level required to redact an event. Defaults to 50 if unspecified.
      • stateDefault

        private Byte stateDefault
        The default level required to send state events. Can be overridden by the events key. Defaults to 50 if unspecified, but 0 if there is no event at all.
      • users

        private Map<String,​Byte> users
        The power levels for specific users. This is a mapping from user_id to power level for that user.
      • usersDefault

        private Byte usersDefault
        The default power level for every user in the room, unless their user_id is mentioned in the users key. Defaults to 0 if unspecified.
      • notifications

        private NotificationPowerLevel notifications
        The power level requirements for specific notification types. This is a mapping from key to power level for that notifications key.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RoomPowerLevelsContent

        public RoomPowerLevelsContent()
    • Method Detail

      • getBan

        public Byte getBan()
      • setBan

        public void setBan​(Byte ban)
      • setEvents

        public void setEvents​(Map<String,​Byte> events)
      • getEventsDefault

        public Byte getEventsDefault()
      • setEventsDefault

        public void setEventsDefault​(Byte eventsDefault)
      • getInvite

        public Byte getInvite()
      • setInvite

        public void setInvite​(Byte invite)
      • getKick

        public Byte getKick()
      • setKick

        public void setKick​(Byte kick)
      • getRedact

        public Byte getRedact()
      • setRedact

        public void setRedact​(Byte redact)
      • getStateDefault

        public Byte getStateDefault()
      • setStateDefault

        public void setStateDefault​(Byte stateDefault)
      • getUsersDefault

        public Byte getUsersDefault()
      • setUsersDefault

        public void setUsersDefault​(Byte usersDefault)